Books from Friends: Near Miss
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Twenty minutes. That was all? It felt like they’d been stuck in the lift for hours. He eyed the ceiling. Chances were there was an emergency hatch above the panels, but it was likely bolted from the outside. Maybe he could get an idea of where the lift had stopped. He moved to the doors, got a finger hold on each panel where they met, and tried to pry the doors open, grunting as his shoulder and back muscles screamed from the strain.
“What are you doing?” Sophia’s voice rose in pitch. “We need to wait for the elevator repairman or the Fire Department. I read that the safest thing to do when stuck in an elevator is to do nothing.”
Shite piece of crap lift. He gave up his efforts, his breath ragged from exertion. He should have known modern buildings such as this one would have lifts equipped with door resisters designed to keep people from doing precisely what he’d tried to do.
“I thought I’d see where we were.” He wasn’t good at waiting for someone else to rescue him. He was the one who usually did the rescuing.
Without warning, his ghosts took control.
“Get down!” he screamed to be heard over the din. “Get down!”